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Sankalpa in the New Year

Ah, sweet December, the month for letting myself go. Maybe you did it too. Partaking of the cookies I baked for others. Letting the cold distract me from my walks. Using those precious days off (the holidays) to stay in bed a little longer. Each and every crumb, moment, and “Z” was cherished and enjoyed; I have no remorse! Now that I have reminded myself of why I don’t do those things, it is time to redirect.

Wonderful January, the month for pulling myself back on track. Some say not to make New Year’s Resolutions as they set us up for failure. I say, make new month resolutions! At the beginning of every month I sit down and write what I want to accomplish that month. It is not always easy and sometimes things do not get accomplished, that just makes the next month’s list a little easier to write. The New Year is a great time to take your “list” beyond the practical. Now is as good a time as any to evaluate your sankalpa, or spiritual intention.

Join me New Year’s Day, 9am Mountain Time, for a Free 30 minute webinar on the Power of Sankalpa, Spiritual Intention. In Sanskrit, san means “to become one with” and kalpa means “time” or “consciousness.” Sankalpa is more than just an intention, it is our spiritual commitment to ourselves. We will discuss sankalpa and it’s importance, plus I will lead you through a practice to uncover your sankalpa. You will need your journal and a writing implement.

Visit this site at 9am Mountain Time to view:

Yoga Class Schedule for January:

Yoga for a Healthy Back – Mondays 6:15 – 7:15pm, starts January 18th

Therapeutic Yoga – Tuesdays & Thursdays 10:00 – 11:15am

LifeForce Yoga for Self-Empowerment – Wednesdays 11:15 – 12:45

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