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Awakening Your Inner Radiance with Lifeforce Yoga

In February 2020, just in time for the pandemic, Rose published her first book, Awakening You Inner Radiance with LifeForce Yoga: Strategies for Coping with Stress, Depression, Anxiety, and Trauma. Within these pages you will… Awakening Your Inner Radiance with Lifeforce Yoga

Bergamot Oil

Bergamot – The Oil of Self-Acceptance

This post first appeared on the LifeForce Yoga Healing Institute Page. In this month’s Essential Oils for Emotion Well-being we will delve into the citrus oil called Bergamot, known as the Oil of Self-Acceptance. In… Bergamot – The Oil of Self-Acceptance

Root Chakra Meditation

Put on your headphones, find a quiet spot, apply your Code Red oil and enjoy this Root Chakra Meditation (it works great even if you don’t have your Code Red oil yet). For this meditation,… Root Chakra Meditation

Root Chakra

We begin our journey through the subtle body, which reflects into all aspects of our lives, with the root chakra (note: the sanskrit word is written cakra, for ease of comprehension, the spelling has been… Root Chakra

Practice You: Daily Awakening Deck

“54 Portals to Explore, Illuminate, and Nurture Your True Self” The Practice You: Daily Awakening Deck, from Elena Brower, which came out just this week, is a spectacular aid to your personal practice. The deck… Practice You: Daily Awakening Deck

I'm Not Good Enough

I’m Not Good Enough

Every morning, I draw cards for inspiration. This card exemplifies how I was feeling this morning when I started my day. I felt inundated with that seed that we all carry of “I’m Not Good… I’m Not Good Enough

Big News!

So much has changed in the last year, I can barely keep up with it all. My healing is slow going and seems to have tapered off. For me, that means that I am not… Big News!

February 2018 Update

Whew, I am back in action, as far as teaching classes are concerned. Working on things in the back end is a little harder. In November, I was rear-ended and suffered a concussion as well… February 2018 Update

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