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Heart Mudra

Practice: Purna Hridaya / Heart Mudra Purna Hridaya, or heart mudra, is the gesture of the open heart. Purna means full and hridaya means heart; it brings the fullness of the breath into the heart.… Heart Mudra

June Yoga Schedule

Uncovering the Heart’s True Nature “Love is the only true perception, everything else is false.” – Unknown It is the heart’s true nature to love for no reason at all. Through our daily lives, we… June Yoga Schedule

Bone Builders

Back Bone Builders: 4-Week Series 3/7, 3/14, 3/21, 3/28 $48/series or $12/class Mondays 6:15 – 7:15pm Natural Life Holistic Oasis 7235 North Paseo del Norte (Ina & Oracle) – North Building in the gym RSVP… Bone Builders

Bones, Bones, Bones!

LifeForce Yoga for Happy Bones 5-Week Series Wednesdays, 11:15am — 12:45pm March 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30 $60 for series or $15 per class Natural Life Holistic Oasis 7235 North Paseo del Norte (Ina &… Bones, Bones, Bones!

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