December Update
It can be difficult to find and cultivate joy during this time of the year. We have responsibilities, parties, the pressure of purchasing gifts for others, family obligations, or no family. Every where we look we find images of what we are supposed to purchase to be happy and fulfilled. It is no wonder that we feel stressed. But where is the joy?
Eckhart Tolle suggests that the joy we need to carry us through is already inside us. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar speaks of a fountain of joy deep inside you. The trick is to uncover the joy, to release the blocks that keep us from experiencing our joy, and to clear the space so that joy flows.
What is it that awakens joy within you? A breath? A song? A movement? I need my yoga practice to remove the obstacles and to bring me into the present moment, because that is where my joy lives.
Yoga Classes
Therapeutic Yoga, Tuesdays & Thursdays, 10:00 – 11:15am
Tuesday – gentle movement with an emphasis on strength and moving lymph
Thursday – emphasis on restorative practice to calm the nervous system with breath
More details
LifeForce Yoga for Self-Empowerment, Wednesdays, 11:15am – 12:45pm
12/2, 12/16, 12/23, & 12/30
Breath centered movement with sound, mindfulness, and ending with a Yoga Nidra
More details
Yoga for Mood Management: LifeForce Yoga Practitioner Training, Part A – Experiential
12/5 – 12/8, Soul of Yoga, Encinitas, CA
This Experiential workshop is open to all with yoga experience and is Part A of a 3-Part certification course to become a LifeForce Yoga Practitioner – level 1. Learn an empowering, evidence-based Yoga protocol for self-care and to help students and clients focus, relax, and have greater access to feeling states. You will experience all aspects of LifeForce Yoga, including pranayama, kriya, asana, nada yoga (sound), bhavana (visual imagery) sankalpa (intention/affirmation), meditation, and non-dual self-inquiry.
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