Day 9 was very exciting. I woke up to having lost another pound – yay! I had a lot to do during the day because I was off to Phoenix in the evening to see the band Tool. If you followed my at home panchakarma from May 2013, you will know that I went to a music festival during that cleanse and I said that I would not do it again (see Day Eight). However, it was just not going to work out to do one or the other. I worked hard all morning, teaching and at the computer. I then discovered we were leaving earlier than I had planned and so I did not teach my evening class. In the afternoon, I made my power shake with blue berries in the blender and packed it to take it up to Phoenix so I could continue. I drank my shake in the parking garage shortly after arriving in Phoenix.
I was most concerned about walking into the venue and being exposed to all of the junk food. I know that when I travel I feel the need to have heavy and fatty foods to help me ground. You know, things like nachos, pretzels, and greasy popcorn, or foods full of transfats, artificial colors, and genetically modified organisms. We walked into the venue and I smelled the food and my body said, “oh ick, it smells revolting.” There was a moment, walking past the pretzel stand, where I thought, “mmm, a salty pretzel.” Then I thought of all of the nasty ingredients and what they do to my body in the long term and all thoughts of the pretzel were gone. I was so thrilled to know that my body really has broken it’s cravings for processed foods.
Getting back in the car at 11:30pm for a two hour drive back to Tucson was a little bit rough. It was the latest that I have been up in over two weeks. I was tired, but still had energy. I also started getting hungry. Luckily, I had anticipated hunger and had brought almonds with me. I got home at 1:30am and was in bed and asleep by 1:45am.
Watch the following short video on some of the worst food ingredients from David Sandoval, author of The Green Foods Bible.