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Yoga Therapy for Back Pain

Are you one of the 60 – 80% of Americans that experiences back pain? Let me help you! You will learn how to build strength, lengthen the spine, increase range of motion, decrease compression, and feel better.

Yoga Therapy views the individual as a whole being; an integration of body, mind and spirit. When any part of the being is out of alignment Yoga Therapy, as an alternative treatment, applies different techniques to bring the individual back into balance. Back pain is no exception.

A thorough assessment process includes, posture, movement, testing joint range of motion, muscle strength and movement patterns during the day. In addition, we look at breathing patterns and energy movements in the body. Finally, without judgment way we look at current emotional states and beliefs. Once all of this information is collected, different yogic techniques are applied to begin the healing process.

Techniques included in a session:

  • Sankalpa (Intention)
  • Bhavana (Visualization)
  • Pranayama & Kriya (Breathing practices)
  • Deep Core Strengthening for Structural Support
  • Therapeutic Back Breathing
  • Asana—both Therapeutic and experiential (posture)
  • Mantra (sound)
  • Mudra (hand gestures)
  • Yoga Nidra
  • Hands on healing
  • Chakra re-alignment
  • Ayurvedic assessment techniques
  • iRest Yoga Nidra
  • Essential Oils

Every technique applied during sessions is something that I have used to heal my own chronic back pain. I was born with a number of congenital issues, including scoliosis, that led to experiencing chronic pain in my back and hips from an early age. As an adult, I began my yogic path and found that there was a way out. Today, I manage my pain with yoga and nutrition. It is my wish to support you in experiencing a life free from pain!

Price: $85.00
Price: $275.00

90-minute Introductory session with assessment
2 75-minute follow-up sessions
Take home practice
1 follow-up email consultation

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