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30 Days to a New You

Join me for the 30 day challenge!
January 2 — 31, 2014

Would you like to create healthier habits, increase clarity, decrease chronic pain and inflammation, and be motivated to create and sustain positive change in your life? Receive the support to achieve the things you desire in life with this 30 day program.

Due to my yoga practice I have found a healthier way to live. I am happier, lighter and more relaxed than I can ever remember feeling. It is my mission in life to share and support others in finding ease of being. I hope that you will join me in this innovative online learning course.

No success is immediate. Nor is any failure instantaneous. They are both the products of the slight edge: the power of daily actions, compounded over time. — Jeff Olsen, The Slight Edge

A new meDuring this process you will experience many different techniques for healthy yogic living. Some will inspire you, others you will let fall away. Your commitment will drive your success in this course. Once you have completed the 30 days with me, you may wish to continue on your own, using the tools that you have been given. You can also repeat the process as often as you would like. You will learn and develop tools for healthy daily living — physical, energetic, emotional, mental and spiritual:

  • Develop a daily meditation practice
  • Learn the importance of self-inquiry
  • Increase healthy eating habits
  • Develop and strengthen your daily exercise routines
  • Daily yoga practice
  • Find inspiration in your daily life

What you will get:

  • 5 one hour live webinars (available for download)
  • Daily emails to keep you on track
  • Weekly audio file
  • Video practices
  • e-book with tips, practices, recipes, research, quotes, etc.


Week 1 Commitment & Goal Setting:
We begin with establishing goals, a short meditation practice, and a daily exercise routine.

Week 2 Clearing out the Old:
We continue with meditation and exercise and add in a week of cleansing and cleaning. Options will be given for different levels of cleansing, using Ayurvedic techniques.

Week 3 Bringing in Nourishment:
After cleansing we will focus on nourishment, how to maintain your healthy lifestyle while bringing in practices and habits that nurture and support healthy living.

Week 4 Sustaining the Change:
The final week of the challenge focuses on sustaining your practices and goal setting for the future.

Price: $75.00

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