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LifeForce Yoga Chakra Clearing Meditation

Live Recording of the LifeForce Yoga Chakra Clearing Meditation – Energizing Version – lead by Rose at the LifeForce Yoga Practitioner Training in Tucson, AZ.

Amy Weintraub, founder of LifeForce Yoga Healing Institute and author of Yoga for Depression, developed the LifeForce Yoga Chakra Clearing Meditation as a means of  giving the mind a bone and as a preparation for meditation. I love this practice because it gives the chatty part of the mind a doorway into stillness.

I recorded myself leading the energizing version of the LifeForce Yoga Chakra Clearing Meditation during the LifeForce Yoga Practitioner Training & Retreat in Tucson, AZ. You will hear the voices of the trainees who are learning how to lead this technique. For more information about this practice, pictures of the mudras, visit
For a picture of the mudra for bee breath and more information about bee breath, visit

The end of the practice includes the chant Atma Hrdaye, which can be found on my cd Mantra Chanting with Rose. Amy taught me this mantra many years ago and we have come to think of it as the anthem of LifeForce Yoga.

The words are:
Atma hrdaye
Hrdayam mayi
Aham amrte-eh
Amritam anandam brahmani

The translation:
The heart is my true nature. My true nature is the heart. I am the unending bliss. The oneness of the heart. I am.


This practice is great in the morning or in the afternoon. Bellows breath might be a little too energizing for some people. Feel free to sit the practice out and take deep breaths, joining in when you feel ready.

LifeForce Yoga Chakra Clearining Meditation
LifeForce Yoga Chakra Clearing Meditation at Sunrise

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