Yoga for Back Care
Wednesdays, 6:00-7:00pm
Natural Life Holistic Oasis 7235 North Paseo del Norte
April Series: Heart Opening
4/1, 4/22, 4/29
$30 for series or $12/class
Heart openers are often mistaken for back bends where the spine is compressed, leading to back pain. This month we will focus on how to lengthen into heart openers without compressing the lumbar spine. You will experience how spinal extension relieves back pain.
Wellness begins with a healthy spine. In these Yoga for Back Care classes, you’ll learn:
- Easy yoga poses and yoga breathwork to lengthen the spine and strengthen the back muscles
- Simple yoga poses to stabilize the spine & alleviate pain
- Deep core work (abdominal strengthening) to support the whole back
- Easy to understand anatomy to empower you to make healthy decisions
- How to practice common yoga poses in ways that help to protect your back and neck and prevent injury