Cleanse Day 11: Real Food
I know that what I was eating was real food, but oh my goodness, something other than kitchari is heaven! When I woke up, I took a look at my tongue, as I always do and it was not pretty. It was not as strange as on Friday, but it seemed dry, it had ridges around the edge and was coated with ama. I decided that I needed to revisit the pre-cleanse, which means I am back to taking ghee every morning until Thursday and then Game of Thrones Round 3. Seems that I have just a little bit more stuff to draw out and get rid of.
The joy of the morning was having oatmeal with currants with a chopped up apple. It was so very yummy. I spent the day working but also cooking quinoa, sweet potato, and black beans. I made quinoa and sweet potato patties – recipe courtesy of the Veggie Temptress. In the evening, I went to Medicine Wheel Dental to listen to the third and final lecture of the cleanse. The best part of the evening (other than the wonderful information) was the berry crisp with cashew nut whip. Mmmm!
On another note, my father is doing better. He has a staph infection and will need antibiotics for 6 weeks. But he will be coming home this week. Yay!
Quinoa & Sweet Potato Patties
1 cup mashed sweet potato2 cups cooked quinoa
3 cloves of garlic
chopped dandelion greens
pinch of salt
Mix together. Make palm sized patties and cook in a frying pan for 4-8 minutes on each side.