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Transformation Day 0

During the course of my life, I have done juice cleanses, watermelon cleanses, diet shakes, diet pills, supplements, fiber, more protein, etc. None of them have worked. They are either unsustainable, boring, or take too much time to prepare. Like most people, I have slowly gained weight over the years. I love my curves, but there is a point where curves become uncomfortable for the rest of the body.

I have had success with the Ayurvedic Cleanse. I blogged about my experience last Spring. Over the past couple of years I have lost 20lbs by doing two yearly cleanses. If you read my blog, or have done the Ayurvedic Cleanse (a panchakarma) then you know it can be quite challenging and requires a lot of effort in the kitchen. I love the diet, I love the effects, but I HATE spending hours in the kitchen each day. There were some days when I woke up at 5:30am and started cooking. Not to mention the fact that the Castor Oil purge can be not so fun.

One of my friends introduced me to a new option. It is a 10 day Transformation Cleanse through Purium that seems to have the same results and effects as an Ayurvedic Cleanse. Kim told me about her 10 days and I checked her tongue at the end. I am impressed. My kit arrived today and I start my 10 Day Transformation tomorrow. Stay tuned as I will be sharing my journey with you.


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